Quote from: BlakeK on March 27, 2016, 03:57:46 PM
That makes sense. Indiana is generally one of the first states called for Republicans but I believe Obama may have won the state in '08 so it isn't completely automatic. I do see a lot of Trump bumper stickers so it may go to him pretty quickly.
Would anyone vote for Bernie Sanders as a 3rd party candidate? It sounds good but it would only take from Clinton and help Republicans in my opinion but I may be wrong. Anyone feel differently?
No one with morals *not in a swing state* should write in Bernie if he doesn't get the nomination. The problem I forsee is Cruz, by and far scarier than Trump in terms of policy. We're talking about a literal theocratic who could nominate judges to overturn Roe vs. Wade and will begin the dismantling of the first amendment. It'll start small, creationism in schools, more christian doctrine obvious within government. From their, they'll make sure Islam and anything else can be treated with the same equality. A slippery slope. His economic advisor is one of the top men who helped cause the recession of '08.... while many neoconservatives have already come on record saying they would vote for hillary over trump [if that's not telling of her actual policy I don't know what is], there has been talk of putting everything behind Cruz at convention. If trump runs third party, you give democrat victory. If Trump doesn't run third party, in swing states you vote could help prevent the growing evangelical and ignorant culture brewing throughout the country from taking over with their sky god and anti-science madness.
After learning Hillary's [and Bill's] actual policy, I can no longer use the term democrat to describe myself, especially if she wins the nomination, and double so if she loses popular vote on pledged delegates but super delegates don't switch to Bernie [very unlikely, superdelegates have always gone with the popular vote, but then again, the super delegate system is not very old]
The best scenario if Bernie isn't elected is the destruction of the democrat party whilst simultaneously a broked GOP convention which destroys the GOP. From the ashes hopefully a four party system of progressive, libertarian, and whatever is left of GOP and Democrats.
Alternate media recommendations:
Secular Talk [radio/youtube]
The David Pakmon Show [radio/some tv/youtube]
The Benjamin Dixon Show [small New York based radio/community tv/youtube, focus on bringing the African American politics to the true progressive side.]
and of course NPR, PBS NewsHour, and Democracy Now
TYT ...meh, occasionally.
Representative to watch for: Nina Turner and Elizabeth Warren