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General Television Thread

Started by Anna Karina, June 10, 2014, 02:03:57 PM

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Satire or not, I've just seen way too many examples of blackface since 1939.

Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang


Quote from: jerkemy on December 01, 2015, 11:35:54 AM
also my response to the blackface thing would be that as a white guy who's gotten to treat whatever I want as a joke with zero negative repercussions for my entire life, it's easy for me to make the call that it's clearly satire and punching up

but part of being a decent human is a willingness to honestly hear out people who disagree and at least be like "OK fair enough" instead of "NO, it is SATIRE, WHY do you want to CENSOR JOAKS"

i didn't say that. i was speaking from my experience, my opinion, my thoughts, on that in tv. and that you would think so readily I would care not for those things isn't even worth my time to defend, because *you know*

go ahead and ban me. fitting in a punk community for the authority to strike down. dogmatism and ideologies abound, here and there and everywhere. ideas...build and destroy. i don't think our species will last because of it. bye
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back breakfast


jeremy was joking about banning you.
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


no i was serious

how did you get past my ban


let me just see if i have this right

blackface can be important and necessary envelope-pushing, but you "don't think our species will last" after a joke about being banned from a messageboard


I don't know if I've read enough Foucault to know what is happening here.

Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang


Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


Quote from: jerkemy on December 01, 2015, 04:12:49 PM
let me just see if i have this right

blackface can be important and necessary envelope-pushing, but you "don't think our species will last" after a joke about being banned from a messageboard

i am finding it difficult not to go back to drugs, get numb, and not care because it seems to hard to find anyone willing to listen and follow the socratic method. I didn't say blackface was envelope pushing nor import, I made a correlation between their use of it as satire and the purpose of satire. I then was questioning these things.You are misrepresenting my questioning and position.

THe "species ...last..." if you re-read was about ideology and dogmatism, not satire. perhaps the fault is mine through syntax in that the first sentence of that paragraph was about how you were demeaning my questioning and analysis, the micro event as it were, while the following sentences were broad, that if this all  there is to people, macro, then it will lead to an eventual end. bit hyperbolic sure but i wasn't talking about satire at that point so miscommunication on mine or your or both part.

I've looked over and am only 50/50 sure you were joking. THe whole demeaning me part thinks you weren't joking. And now you're demeaning me for not getting your joke. couldn't just say, "just joking, try be less serious" or something on those lines. and making me feel small for not getting your joke even though there isn't much context for it being a joke, in my opinion, is a vain, crappy thing to do.

maybe its this internet culture because i see this everywhere, like its a sadistic outlet for people to unconsciously and more often consciously belittle others.
Please stop demeaning and belittling me. you are better than that. why does it always devolve to this hostility? how do we expect anyone to learn?

i proudly admit my ignorance. thats why question. to better understand. now, if you want to continue to demean me, please do so behind my back as i have derailed this thread far worse than ryan did for which I berated and demeaned him [which i later admitted to, though i will now apologize cause it doesn't feel good, i could have explained my newly sober situation and asked nicely and for that I am wrong and fail ethically. but I will to be better]

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back breakfast


my first joke was about the seemingly scripted absurdity of replying to a comment about mansplaining with a wall of text attempting to take a stranger through a bunch of typo-ridden formal logic over a throwaway comment. It's the literal definition of mansplaining.

I don't think I've ever banned anyone In 7 years of being an admin here. I think the only time I've ever used my admin powers was to filter the term "lady love" to appear as "Broseph" for Brett.

Some variation of this argument has come up over and over here and I think all it boils down to is new posters not bothering to take the temperature of the room or look at the history of the board before unleashing. Nobody disagrees with you that logic is important, it's the context that makes your response absurd, at least to me.

Sorry, you're just not gonna find a lot of people in any society at any time on any planet who are going to respond favorably to being condescendingly dragged through the Socratic method over an offhand comment. That's not a snarky messageboard thing, it's just life.


like, just before turfing out, people who you can absolutely tell have the exact same communication issues in real life are always like "This is the MEANEST BOARD ONLINE, I don't get this SNARKY NTERNET CULTURE" but like....go look at any other messageboard. This place is the most milquetoast, no-stakes, lackadaisically-policed, let's-be-online-pals-fest on the entire internet.


Quote from: jerkemy on December 02, 2015, 03:12:43 PM
like, just before turfing out, people who you can absolutely tell have the exact same communication issues in real life are always like "This is the MEANEST BOARD ONLINE, I don't get this SNARKY NTERNET CULTURE" but like....go look at any other messageboard. This place is the most milquetoast, no-stakes, lackadaisically-policed, let's-be-online-pals-fest on the entire internet.

i've never been to any other message board.
hell i didn't even start watching youtube until two tears ago

i admit to trolling the person. that was a bit.
i didn't realize that was a newbie though, and i thought 'mainsplanning was something else too
wittgenstein would have a field day with this.

but it was the bit implying that i flippantly wouldn't consider another person's race and am naive of that kind of experience
I do nothing but practice objectivity and logic. socially awkard here , same in real life.
that statement is not anything to do with my troll statement and take that away, which was a bit of fishing, and whats left was before the new guy post i was writing about satire and you responded with that i take no care of, or rather, you easily imply, that I wouldn't take that seriously. i love writing essays, and real intellectual critical thinking is something i actually want to do like i want to fuck or need to play a guitar. i am craving it. i have no real friends to discuss things. i have never tried nor been a member of any of message board. i came upon it when i discovered diy ethics [ethics is something i am particularly passionate about] and frankly, to make that kind of righteousness and undermining, I had to my stand/point. and if hadn't been jest, which i came to check just in case i was wrong [i can be wrong quite often]
i wouldn't have come back because while it may be vain and stupid, that is something i felt like fighting for.
i thank you for the experience
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back breakfast


it's all jokes, please don't worry too much about it


Hey, who's ready for the Leftovers?


Master of None on netflix is really, really good i thought.

felt like each episode was an indie film, yet entirely different tone from Louie

I was never a fan of aziz ansari, pardon if misspelled, on Parks and rec but I didn't really care for the tone of the show and never watched more than the first few episodes when it aired

on the british side, You me and the apocalypse is turning out pretty well albeit not as many laughs as I would hope, but many british comedies steer clear of direct jokes

and just discovered the Toast of London, which is incredibly hilarious
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back breakfast


I also liked master of none, almost every episode was interesting.


I loved Master of None. I watched the entire series in one sitting. I'm a big fan of Aziz's stand up stuff and I love him in Parks (and Parks and Rec in general). I can't wait to see where they take MoN next.

Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang

Anna Karina

I liked Master of None well enough but people are going really overboard with it. Is it because people just have Netflix and not cable or something? It's fine.


Quote from: Anna Karina on December 09, 2015, 12:20:29 AM
I liked Master of None well enough but people are going really overboard with it. Is it because people just have Netflix and not cable or something? It's fine.

Yes Netflix > Cable

They will have twice the amount of netflix originals in 2016, as they did in 2015. I can't wait.

Anna Karina

Regarding price, sure, Netflix is better.

Regarding content, Netflix isn't even remotely close to touching cable & prime channels.  Fargo, for instance, is leagues better than anything on all the streaming services except for maybe Transparent.

Boardwalk Empire, Hannibal, Nathan For You, Louie, Review, etc.


Transparent is starting season 2, right? I watch the first season when it as new and that shit was fucking stressful. All the characters were so awful. It made it compelling and kind of real, but I don't know if I can get myself to watch the next season.

I also liked Master Of None a whole lot. Quite a bit different from what I was expecting, I guess.
Quote from: Winged Killick
I'm an anarchist, but I'm not going to drive ninety-five miles an hour down the road tossing illegal, invasive species of snakes from my car while texting and fraudulently doing my taxes.

Anna Karina

Yeah, the first episode of the new season is up, and the the rest of the season will be up on the 11th.

Anna Karina

Neon Joe Werewolf Hunter, now this is a beautiful show.


I've not had a chance to watch it but is The Man in the High Castle any good? I saw a commercial for it and thought it looked interesting.

Also was wondering if anyone has heard any rumblings about Hannibal being picked up by Netflix because that would make me very happy. If I was a billionaire, I would commission them to make new episodes for my personal use.
Quote from: BlakeK on March 09, 2017, 06:59:37 PM
Having said that, I'd rather listen to Papa Roach than GG Allin

Anna Karina

There's a very, very slight possibility of a movie, but I'm pretty sure the series is over.  Which I'm actually fine with, because the way the finale ended was perfect.