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Share your happy pix memories from before

Started by lindsey, August 24, 2017, 08:27:48 PM

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Hijinx tattoooooos

Every defiance, oh show ever with my arms around you all screaming the words all sweaty

Holding my friend Danielle's hand with us both crying while Ghost Mice played "oh me"

Tots and Schlitz at fest

Anna Karina

Heathers knew who I was when I saw them with Jar and Becca, oh my! Although in retrospect maybe that's not a good thing...

Also crashing at Totally Michael's place for PIX Fest 2005. It was hot and sweaty, I watched Hedwig at some house show, ate some really gross vegan hot dogs, watched Spoonboy eat pie, met Jer and he doesn't remember it, saw Rio de la Muerte, and met some chill awesome people.

One more dead cop. Quit bring the shit.


Haha Brett, I liked going to the movies with your parents

Anna Karina

Didn't we see Slumdog? I don't think I've watched it since then.


Yep! I haven't either but I remember enjoying it


All the sweet penpals <3

seeing Ghost "Mouse," Johnny Hobo, Spoonboy, Russ Substance etc at a picnic show (on that school bus tour around 2004) that moved into a crowded diy space in CT replete with cool zine distros, Against Me singalongs, everything..

basically all the shows I went to at the Death Star (am I remembering the name right?) in Silver Spring, MD

Delay, Andrew Jackson Jihad, Max Levine, and more playing the first show at our punk house in DC in 2009 and taking AJJ on a tour of DC

just a couple months ago in a hostel in Oaxaca I randomly met Jo and his friend from the English band that released the second to last album on PIX and saw them play a fun show at a diy space.  Even though I've been out of the scene so long already it's awesome that I can still meet cool people around the world based on love for plan-it-x music.


It really is awesome! I had so much fun at a ghost mice show in Paris in 2007 where I knew NO ONE but ended up making a bunch of friends


I work in a professional office, but I have a semi-secret tattoo that takes up the entirety of the palm on one of my hands.  It was inspired by a trip to Gainesville with One Reason and a trip back home with The Door-Keys.  The tattoo is a reminder that there are some amazing people in the world that really fucking care about strangers and get no recognition other than secret palm tattoos.  Other than the bands, I don't remember this Gainesvillian's  name, but I appreciated the shit out of loaning me a bike... hence, palm tattoo.  Also another dood gave me half of his sandwich and that made me feel good and isn't visually represented in the tattoo, but is there in memory.


Seeing Defiance, OH when I was still in Asheville plus every time I've seen AJJ play has been surreal.

Most of my favorite PIX-related memories are from this board, though. Everyone I've met has been so wonderful. I was actually just thinking the other day about when Sami visited Asheville and how fun that was. Meeting Lindsey, Dakota, Aaron, and Madeline are also at the top of the list. Everyone here is so great and I love you all. Dumb creepy jerks will never change that.

Also, hey it's been a while.

Anna Karina

Everyone I know from here is rad.

Also, Tony and James and... James are three dudes I really like keeping in touch with via FB. If you're a James and you don't think you're a James mentioned, you know what buddy, you're that James.

Also cool to see Lindsey do cool tattoo shit. If I ever actually get any tattoos, I want you and my friend Lorin to do them. One of them would be a Phantom Tollbooth tat. But also I'm 31 and I don't have any tattoos so I dunno man, feel like I missed that opportunity. Now I'm just old and saggy and dumb.


Though lovers be lost love shall not.


Never made it to PIX Fest, but I've always loved this place. I wish I could meet some of you dammit!

Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang


Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


Though lovers be lost love shall not.



Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang



We can't even get like 10 people to post around here, how do we get anyone to show up to hijinx fest
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.

Anna Karina

It'll fit right in with that one PIX SoCal meetup.



Hijinx Fest should just be like everyone (all 7 of us) meeting at a random bar where they have Screeching Weasel, Tom Waits, and NMH records in the jukebox. Anyone know of a place like that?

Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang


There's a place called Tony's Darts Away here with punk music and veggie sausages


Quote from: momitsnowme on September 19, 2017, 02:47:18 PM
There's a place called Tony's Darts Away here with punk music and veggie sausages
And it's decided.

Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang


i don't have them very often but i love those friggin veggie sausages
ask me about my high score