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Plan-It-X Soda Thread

Started by Semi, July 03, 2014, 05:28:35 AM

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oh dang you need to try it from a glass bottle!


Yeah!  The canned version was still made with real sugar, but I'm after the bottled version for sure.
21 Moreland Ave. NE
Atlanta, GA 30307


Anna Karina

Me? I'm an Inca Kola man myself.


More bubblegum soda?  You people make me sick!
21 Moreland Ave. NE
Atlanta, GA 30307


Quote from: dakotafloyd on July 14, 2014, 02:54:34 PM
Quote from: moreaboutwhozackis on July 13, 2014, 04:42:23 PM
I tried my first ginger beer today! I really enjoy the flavor, the slight spiciness makes my tongue very happy!

What'd ya have?  Some of my favorite ginger drinks are Buffalo Rock Ginger Ale, Maine Root Ginger Brew, Gosling's Ginger Beer, Trader Joe's Triple Ginger Brew, and Swamp Pop Jean Lafitte Ginger Ale.

Honorable mention goes to Goya Jamaican Ginger Beer, Bundaberg Ginger Beer, Ale-8-One, Royalty Ginger Beer, and Red Rock Golden Ginger Ale.
I've had Reeds, I plan on ordering different types. Also! Per one of your longest standing recommendations to me, I ordered a bottle of the Special Edition Virgil's Root Beer and a bottle of Red Rock Cola. I'm practically sitting on my own hands with excitement.

Anna Karina

Quote from: dakotafloyd on July 15, 2014, 02:31:09 PM
More bubblegum soda?  You people make me sick!
Stop bein' a hater, chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump.


You guys ever had Vernors ginger ale soda? I think it tastes disgusting.


Vernors is yet another terrible Michigan thing I am needlessly loyal to. It's bad but it's not really that bad.
Quote from: Winged Killick
I'm an anarchist, but I'm not going to drive ninety-five miles an hour down the road tossing illegal, invasive species of snakes from my car while texting and fraudulently doing my taxes.


Oh, Vernors.  It's more weird to me than anything.  I don't think I like it, but deep down I kind of know of do.  It's like a creamy ginger ale.  Very strange.

Rory (and anyone else from Michigan), what are your thoughts on Towne Club, if you've had it?  TC Peach was one of the first sodas that inspired me to dedicate a pretty big chunk of tour time to finding local sodas in the cities we played in.

Frostie is also a Michigan thing, right?
21 Moreland Ave. NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

Anna Karina

Vernors works pretty well with bourbon.


Quote from: dakotafloyd on July 16, 2014, 05:09:04 PM
Oh, Vernors.  It's more weird to me than anything.  I don't think I like it, but deep down I kind of know of do.  It's like a creamy ginger ale.  Very strange.

Rory (and anyone else from Michigan), what are your thoughts on Towne Club, if you've had it?  TC Peach was one of the first sodas that inspired me to dedicate a pretty big chunk of tour time to finding local sodas in the cities we played in.

Frostie is also a Michigan thing, right?

I've never heard of either of these, but I'll look for them!
Quote from: Winged Killick
I'm an anarchist, but I'm not going to drive ninety-five miles an hour down the road tossing illegal, invasive species of snakes from my car while texting and fraudulently doing my taxes.


I wouldn't call Frostie a Michigan only thing, I can get it at a local bookstore here in Az


Yeah, I guess I should have phrased that differently.  It's available nearly everywhere, just owned by a Detroit company, I think.
21 Moreland Ave. NE
Atlanta, GA 30307


Yeah I looked it up and that's a somewhat recent change. I think sometimes too stuff is well distributed on the East side of the state near Detroit, but poorly over where I am. But according to wikipedia, Towne Club is available in Kalamazoo, so I should go on a quest for it.
Quote from: Winged Killick
I'm an anarchist, but I'm not going to drive ninety-five miles an hour down the road tossing illegal, invasive species of snakes from my car while texting and fraudulently doing my taxes.


Today I'm eating rice with german mushroom sauce (with a bit of non-alcoholic beer in it) together with some really unnatural vegan schnitzels. With this I am drinking Fanta Lemon.

I play accordian/guitar and sing together with my girlfriend who plays ukulele in our band Lagom, we sing songs about the internal contradictions of capital and watching Rupauls Dragrace.


Vernors tastes like a McDonalds apple pie


actual bubblegum FLAVOUR soda is great and there should be more.


How about soda flavored bubblegum?

21 Moreland Ave. NE
Atlanta, GA 30307


Holy shit, Dr Pepper gum? All my dreams...
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.

Anna Karina

I would assume that's better in theory than execution, just like that shitty Dr. Pepper lip balm.


It mainly just tastes like black cherry, and I want to eat it instead of just chewing it.
21 Moreland Ave. NE
Atlanta, GA 30307


Has anyone here tried any of the Fentimans sodas?

I HATED the first one I had because I was just expecting a casual Coca-Cola-esque soda, but now I love 'em.  Very hearty, intricate flavors.

21 Moreland Ave. NE
Atlanta, GA 30307


had 'em all (they are from the uk).

my faves are rose lemonade and dandelion and burdock.


Hey kw and / or bee, ever try Tommyknocker Root Beer?  I picked one up on a whim while I was on tour, and it's one of the most unique RBs I've tried yet.  Flavored with pure cane sugar AND maple syrup.  It was like pancake root beer.

Also, currently sipping my first Fentimans Rose Lemonade.  Delicious!  For some reason, I guess the tartness, it makes me think of a really good grapefruit soda.
21 Moreland Ave. NE
Atlanta, GA 30307