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What should we do around here

Started by jer, August 29, 2017, 11:17:14 AM

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Any ideas for any changes you want to see around here? Subcategories or anything? ideas for how to get new people in around here? etc etc.
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


Not sure if I'm a big fan of sub categories.  It's slow enough around here that I can't see dividing what little conversation we do have into different pages.  The movement of topics on the front page recently is kind of nice.  Let's all just make it a point to post more.


Yeah I pretty much agree with that, that's why we didn't bring back subcats when the board first crashed.

Any other ideas?
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


Can someone tell Brian Tightpants to come back and we can insult one another? It would be just like old times.

I also still think we should come up with a name for the board; something snappy, full of moxie that the kids will think is "groovy".
Quote from: BlakeK on March 09, 2017, 06:59:37 PM
Having said that, I'd rather listen to Papa Roach than GG Allin

Anna Karina

Are the kids still listening to FRNTRNNR?


hell yeah they are.

hijinx is the internet's #1 source for FRNTRNNR news, rumors, and fan art.
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


Fun fact: someone had to send me a personal message telling me the truth about FRNTRNNR. I think it was Jer.
Quote from: BlakeK on March 09, 2017, 06:59:37 PM
Having said that, I'd rather listen to Papa Roach than GG Allin


that's why you never sign off. as soon as you sign off, you miss all of our in-jokes.
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


hey i just realized that this theme has 5 sports for "links" at the top of the forum. Right now they just say "Link 1,"  "Link 2,"  etc but don't actually link anywhere.

where should i make those links go?
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


FRNTRNNR website


Is .club a real extension? I love that. I agree we don't really need the subcategories. I'm gonna sleep on where those links should go. So far, I can only think one should go to Brett's XPeeps profile and another should go to whatever criminalflowers.com is now.

Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang


I would genuinely like to see a lot of what we had before, in terms of a massive fucking list of recipes, bands posting tour dates and asking for booking help, deep discussions about difficult issues, and lots of dick tattoos.


Well since only like 4 people actively post right now, that might be hard
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


Though lovers be lost love shall not.


Quote from: skateandannoy on August 30, 2017, 06:57:00 PM
Is .club a real extension? I love that. I agree we don't really need the subcategories. I'm gonna sleep on where those links should go. So far, I can only think one should go to Brett's XPeeps profile and another should go to whatever criminalflowers.com is now.
i also am in awe that that is a real website, the world is an amazing place
ask me about my high score


Quote from: jer on August 31, 2017, 06:49:37 AM
Well since only like 4 people actively post right now, that might be hard

Well that's the point of the dick tattoos.  That's where 90% of our traffic came from before we lost that glorious thread.



the best line from troll 2 in 5 languages someone might like
Though lovers be lost love shall not.



So who is getting a hijinx dick tattoo?

can we go to war with the B9 board again?

Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang


Though lovers be lost love shall not.