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presidential election predictions

Started by pronetoaccidents, March 02, 2016, 10:43:50 AM

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if i had to guess i'd say it's gonna wind up being Hillary.

still troubled by the schism of trump. there's a schism and splits between the GOP party, i've never met, or met someone who's met an actual trump fan but somehow he keeps coming out on top?
Though lovers be lost love shall not.



They take anyone these days, the esteemed mayor McCheese should give it a go
Though lovers be lost love shall not.


I'm hoping Bernie can pull it off in the midwest and west coast to keep him in the game. Every other candidate is trash.

Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang


I have a creeping fear that the republican party has a secret candidate in the wings that is full of less bullshit than Trump and that they are just waiting for the democrats to fall asleep.


Like, what if Mitt Romney decides to throw his hat in the ring this time?  gross. 

edit:  a candidate technically has until August to submit their paperwork.

edit II: it is like asking your parents for something you know they won't buy you, like a pony, so that it softens the blow for what you actually want, like a skateboard. 

I'm so smart I should be a pundit. 


a candidate with no delegates at this point in the GOP game does not have a mathematical shot at the nomination. 1,237 are needed for nomination, only 1,777 are left.

At any rate, in a climate where they are willing to elect any moron just because he's an "outsider," running super-insider and super-failure Mit Romney would just be laughed away. The party voters do not like Mitt, they didn't even like him in 2012, they just didn't have other options.

It'd be pretty hilarious if Trump gets the nom, the GOP establishment loses their minds and runs their establishment person independent and destroys the party entirely. They know it would lead to a cakewalk victory for Clinton, but they probably would rather have her in there than Trump. Clinton's going to hand the GOP pretty much everything they want anyway. Trump is just going to be an embarrassing headache for them.

It won't happen, but it'd be nice.
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


Thank you for your voice of reason, Jer.  First with RNNRHDS and now breaking me off some delegate knowledge. 


He can also cure erectile disfunction with the touch of his soft hands.

He doesnt touch your penis.though. Just knee.
Though lovers be lost love shall not.


What happens if Clinton gets indicted? This election cycle is fucked up.

Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang

Anna Karina

A brokered convention followed by the RNC electing Mitt as the candidate would be hilarious and is what I'm hoping for.


Quote from: skateandannoy on March 04, 2016, 09:39:11 AM
What happens if Clinton gets indicted? This election cycle is fucked up.

meh. won't happen.

Quote from: Anna Karina on March 04, 2016, 10:06:06 AM
A brokered convention followed by the RNC electing Mitt as the candidate would be hilarious and is what I'm hoping for.

also meh, won't happen.

i don't think a brokered convention is completely unlikely, but in that case the party will go with Rubio.
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.

Anna Karina

I think they've realized for a few weeks now that Rubio isn't electable.  A few weeks ago they'd still stand behind him but not after Super Tuesday.


Not electable by the GOP base, but much more appetible than Trump or Cruz in a general election.
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


One of my co workers has covered the back side of his car with trump stickers.  He comes to work everyday and gets into very in depth conversations with customers about how Trump is the best thing for this country and how Hilary is literally Hitler, and how we're screwed if Trump isn't elected.  It annoys the crap out of me, not only because he's wrong and that it's unprofessional to politically lecture your customers, but he takes so much fucking time doing it and does no work.


funny about him saying hillary is literally hitler with that whole thing about someone reading Hitler quotes and passing them off as Trump quotes and supporters giving standing ovations and shit, agreeing with it all.

This election in general has made me lose all faith in America. I actually appreciated the country for certain reasons, but that such a huge proportion of it is in favor of Donald "Look at my big swinging Dick" trump is disgusting, confusing, and terrifying,
Though lovers be lost love shall not.

Anna Karina

Quote from: jer on March 04, 2016, 11:58:28 AM
Not electable by the GOP base, but much more appetible than Trump or Cruz in a general election.
Getting obliterated tonight. So I still disagree with this.


The GOP base not voting for him in a primary causes you to disagree with my assertion that the GOP base won't elect him?

Cool, good talk.
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.

Anna Karina

If you're not even remotely liked by your base, you're not going to be electable in the GE.

Carson is currently ahead of him in Mississippi and Carson isn't even in anymore.

If anything, they'd back Kasich over Rubio.


You're contradicting your own point by saying they'd back Kasich over Rubio since he's even worse off in the primaries.

I don't think the Rubio situation is likely, I was just responding to the scenario you posed of the Establishment Republicans picking one of their own in a brokered convention. It won't be someone like Romney, but someone (at least marginally) in the game that they like. I don't even disagree that it could be Kasich, I just think it's more likely Rubio.

As far as being more electable in the general, I don't think Kasich nor Rubio can actually win the general, but my point is they're more palatable to traditional independents and moderates and in the Establishment's eyes that gives them a better chance.

In a brokered convention the Establishment probably holds their nose and goes with Cruz at this point to avoid a complete party meltdown/Tea Party 2.0, but if they're going to go crazy and just do what they want, it won't be someone like Romney (which like you said, WOULD be hilarious), but Rubio (or Kasich, to your point).
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


I have no idea what to expect but I'm having a hell of a time watching the Michigan primary results come in.
Quote from: Winged Killick
I'm an anarchist, but I'm not going to drive ninety-five miles an hour down the road tossing illegal, invasive species of snakes from my car while texting and fraudulently doing my taxes.


it would seem to me that, in the event trump ends up as the nominee, the democrats could run anyone and win. i wonder if the republican party would just throw in the towel, not give him their support, let the democrat win and retool for the 2020 elections, as they will almost certainly have a house majority still, and most likely senate.


So this isn't a prediction but I wanted to talk about it. I really was hoping that Bernie Sanders would win the primary but it is becoming clear that in all probability, that won't happen. I just read an article where many Sanders supporters are saying they will not vote for Hillary. They won't vote at all. I kind of feel the same way but I feel like that attitude is counterproductive in the long run. As much as I dislike Hillary Clinton, I think that I should still vote for her. I obviously don't want Trump, Rubio, or Cruz to get in and think that not voting at all due to lack of enthusiasm and active dislike for Clinton helps them. I guess it would be more of a vote against Repuclican rather than a vote for Clinton. I don't really want Bernie to run as an independent due to flashbacks of Ralph Nader.
Quote from: BlakeK on March 09, 2017, 06:59:37 PM
Having said that, I'd rather listen to Papa Roach than GG Allin


I live in California so I can not vote for hillary with a clear conscience. If I lived in a swing state or anywhere it actually mattered, I'd begrudgingly vote for Clinton.

As it is, I'll probably just vote for Jill Stein again if she runs.
Anti-Creative Records sells some things.


That makes sense. Indiana is generally one of the first states called for Republicans but I believe Obama may have won the state in '08 so it isn't completely automatic. I do see a lot of Trump bumper stickers so it may go to him pretty quickly.

Would anyone vote for Bernie Sanders as a 3rd party candidate? It sounds good but it would only take from Clinton and help Republicans in my opinion but I may be wrong. Anyone feel differently?
Quote from: BlakeK on March 09, 2017, 06:59:37 PM
Having said that, I'd rather listen to Papa Roach than GG Allin