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Fest 14 lineup posted. Is anyone going?

Started by ramblinrabble, April 24, 2015, 06:55:05 PM

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I know we're all cranky and old, with life responsibilities, but if anyone still goes, the lineups been posted.   


I'm likely going if I can get funds available in time.  I missed the last couple, so this is my makeup year.


Anna Karina

Anna Karina

Apparently I've heard 8 of out of 267 bands playing at Fest 14.

I completely forgot The Copywrights existed and I was way too drunk in college to remember what they sound like.

Also, holy shit, Mewithoutyou still exists?

Mainly I'm just jealous I won't get to see Xerxes perform.


Always wanted to go. Always too broke to go. Lineup looks pretty sweet! Night Birds, Dan Potthast, Defiance, Ohio, Jeff Rosenstock, City Mouse, Off With Their Heads. Some good stuff!

Quote from: tinybitsofheart on August 01, 2014, 06:53:17 AM
kinda weird how the earth continues to spin on its axis and everything eventually dies even when you don't want it to dang


similar to brett, i have no idea who the majority of the bands playing are and i generally pride myself in knowing things pertaining to punk rock. the ones i do like, which would be a considerable amount if it was at one show are awesome but not awesome enough for me to mustle up the bread for the flight and chemical substances and other travel accommodations.

cool to see tiltwheel are still alive. by the most recent picture it looks like they got Moses shredding the axe.

Though lovers be lost love shall not.


I'll be there if I'm playing, but otherwise nahhhh.
21 Moreland Ave. NE
Atlanta, GA 30307



im in the same boat as dakota, if i was playing i'd go for the day, but otherwise i don't think i'd ever go again as a spectator... just too much for me / i only ever really want to see like 3 bands. hard to justify the weekend.


I swore off fest three years ago and then, of course, after the magic was gone, the stupid bands I play in started getting on the lineup.  Playing again this year and not dreading it!


I haven't been in about 5 years, but moving away from Florida has made me a little nostalgic, I guess. I'm stoked to just spend the weekend with my best friends.

Ed, I saw someone with a Beach Slang shirt on the other day and wanted to high five him so badly. But I didn't. That's the end of the story.


It turns out I'm not going after all.   Too much money that friends don't have to go with me.


i've never went, and each year i lose a little bit more interest, but it's something i wish i had gone to at some point in my life. if the Y got back together and played i'd go though.;
Though lovers be lost love shall not.


Quote from: Courtney on June 07, 2015, 09:54:53 PM
Ed, I saw someone with a Beach Slang shirt on the other day and wanted to high five him so badly. But I didn't. That's the end of the story.

awww, we need your grassroots support to seem cool!


I MATCHED WITH THE BEACH SLANG SHIRT GUY ON TINDER, MYSTERY SOLVED. He thinks you guys are super rad and so do I.

Also I just bought my ticket and holy shit when did this get so expensive