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Messages - pronetoaccidents

General / Re: What's everyone listening to?
April 14, 2017, 08:57:11 AM
Quote from: BlakeK on April 14, 2017, 06:11:22 AM
Screeching Weasel's catalogue is finally on Apple Music so this morning has been devoted to listening to My Brian Hurts and Anthem for a New Tomorrow. Ben Weasel may be a garbage human being but damn it if he didn't make some of the best punk music ever. I think it's interesting having heard him talk politics and then listen to songs like Racist Society. It doesn't seem like the same person.
whole discography rips
unfortunately jer, yes.. i dunno if it's just a NY t hing but instead of saying "true" the new version is to say "facts"

we should all just go back to olde english

General / Re: best skater
April 10, 2017, 08:58:15 AM
this swedish dude has a ridiculous style..

real talk
the PIXture of Dorian Gray
oh and i have no problem with "moist".. however, and i've mentioned this once before but i don't recall what thread it was in, but "suckle"is pretty disturbing
Quote from: BlakeK on April 06, 2017, 05:22:01 PM
Quote from: pronetoaccidents on April 06, 2017, 08:34:57 AM
yeah that song is awesome. i didn't mean to imply that song sucks. just saying something is "lit" .. i wonder what happened to LIT.

I don't know but all this talk about being lit made me think of this stinker that I did used to listen to back when I thought singing about doing coke was awesome. I also thought doing cocaine was a lot of fun but I didn't like the neighborhoods I had to go to in order to get it and it was expensive. Sometimes I wonder what the hell was wrong with me.

yeah, i can relate (to say the least) to the fucking insanity involved with cocaine
General / sad and beautiful songs
April 06, 2017, 09:43:02 AM
great video with old footage of Kerouac and Ginsberg and some of their cronies..
General / Re: redneck punk PETER STUBB
April 06, 2017, 09:17:45 AM
and a documentary someone put together about the man..
General / Re: redneck punk PETER STUBB
April 06, 2017, 08:59:49 AM
this song has been stuck in my head for a few years.,.

this also is ridiculously catch and awesome..

and to show a tad bit of the diversity..

instrumental tape..

sludge/death metal..

lo-fi grindcore..
General / redneck punk PETER STUBB
April 06, 2017, 08:58:21 AM
start with this amazing old video.. so good
anyone a fan of peter stubb? the guy has released literally hundreds of self released tapes each one with a hand drawn cover. he's spent a good chunk of his life in pyschwards and has a terrible cutting problem. he's been taking his medication, supposedly and has been doing better the last few years. i started corresponding with him a few years ago after i wrote something about him on a blog i used to use and he sent me some beautiful tapes.
he plays all acoustic and his albums go from pop punk to death metal to ridiculous redneck punk. sometimes his songs are heartbreaking and beautiful and some are disturbing and twisted and sad. he really pours everything he possibly has into his music. here's some stuff but it's just the very tip of the gargantuan iceberg..

both highyl recommended EP's


a great track from the highly recomended Lizard Dick Association tape


early videos..

and here's an excerpt from Greg Harvesters blog remoteoutposts.. he wrote a big articles about ol' Stubb..

Peter Stubb has gone by many names in his life: Gary League, Dewayne King, Cannibalistic Retard, Gary Lee Austin, Gary Spit and many more. Peter Stubb, for whatever reason, is the one that has stuck around the longest. He began home recording his own songs on cassette sometime in the late 80's, just banging on things and making guitar noises with his mouth. The lyrics could be funny, disturbing and demented. Other times, they were crushingly depressing, especially when he delved into the topics of the reality of his everyday landscape, which included the mental wards and psychological education centers of North Georgia.
   I had heard stories of Peter Stubb throughout the south for a while and got a chance to play a show with him in Chattanooga in late 1995. To put it lightly, it was life changing. Throughout the show, the punks had been flying all over the room, singing defiantly and going nuts. As Peter started to set up to play, most of the people in the room politely sat on the floor in front of him and a hush grew through the building as if something important was about to happen. Peter sat in front of the assembled audience, struggling with some papers and a music stand, his face painted in fucked up, dripping corpse paint and his shoulders flanked by football pads. His battered acoustic guitar was covered in fading stickers and his arms were completely covered in scars from self-inflicted knife wounds. He appeared to be nervous and too anxious to be in front of all these people. All I could think as he was about to strike the first chords was "What the fuck is going on?!" He belted out a quick 40 second song devoted to the love of cunnilingus and the crowd howled. Seconds after finishing that one, he completely changed gears and destroyed the audience with one of the most honestly depressing songs I had ever heard. The punk kid next to me who earlier looked so tough and bulletproof was sobbing like a baby.

    Soon after, I was visiting Chattanooga again and I asked my friend Eric Nelson if he could copy any of Stubb's music for me. He obliged with this tape, "Blueberry Masturbator". He joked around about the less serious songs on the tape but he added, almost gravely, that Peter Stubb is the most honest songwriter that he has ever heard in his life. On the drive back to Alabama, I put it on and got a chance to really immerse myself in it. It starts off almost abruptly with "Social Phobia", which feels as if you just stumbled into an internal monologue that had been occurring long before you arrived. Stubb palm-mutes like crazy in a way that recalls the best RAMONES songs and introduces you to his world of anxious paranoia. The next couple of songs are a complete 180, telling stories of pot heads and objectifying women. While stuff like the latter may offend the ears of my more radical thinking readers (like say, me), I think this is part of the Stubb experience. His songs are uncomfortable, untamed and dark. To only listen to the ones that line up with your political outlook is cheating. "Bodies in the Tub" is about stacking up the dead bodies of his oppressors in his bathtub. "I Don't Care If You Go" is about Stubb's mom. "Crashed and Died" is about a motorcycle wreck in which Peter crashes and dies "like a motherfucker". Towards the end, Stubb launches into some odd speech that is part possessed/part childlike that permeates some of his other songs, but this is it's only appearance on this tape. Just when you thought he wasn't gonna get too serious again, he comes back with "Committed", a crushingly sad song that details his early experiences with the north Georgia mental health system, which I can only imagine is less than stellar. In the song, he sings...

    "One teacher asked me, what would I like to be. I said 'A werewolf...a demon inside of me.' She kinda flipped out. She said I needed help. She said 'How long have you felt this way?'. I said 'I don't know. I'm like this everyday.' She said 'We'l get you can count on it.' Next thing I knew, I was committed."

   Later, he says that they won't let him out until the sanity is back in him, In the next song "Bu-Doing-Schwing", you're finally convinced that Stubb has lost it in this song about hyper-sexualized lust....and his dick. He makes weird sounds with his voice, which recall many of his earlier tapes and the whole thing is just kinda bizarre. Abruptly, Stubb launches into the last two songs, which take you into the lowest depression of the whole tape. "Just One More Time" is about feeling bad about the things that have happened in your life and wishing you could change them. The final song, "They Took It Away" is epic, destructive and possibly the single most depressing song I have ever heard in my life because it is 100% real and nothing but honest. I can't even do it justice by talking about it. You just have to listen to it alone and let his words pull you into the darkness.

   Long before this release, Peter Stubb had been releasing his own self-recorded tapes and he still continues to this day. Many of his early tapes were one of a kind...he would record a couple of songs, make a cover and just give it to a friend. Others were released in a edition of ten or less and you might find a copy of it that Stubb left in the bathroom at a Dalton, GA Wal-Mart. There are countless tapes of his music all over the place. You never knew what you would find on these tapes, but it was/is always interesting. He's still releasing a few tapes a year and if you send him $4-6 cash in the mail, he will send you a new one. You can find Peter here on his FB page and he'll send you his address to order tapes.
   I'm putting this up on this site to archive it and for all of his old friends and fans, but mostly I am sharing it in the hopes that someone in a small town in the middle of nowhere will find this and have it change their life in the way it changed mine (as well as many of the people I love).
Thanks to Eric Nelson for everything.
Thanks to Josh Mayfield for being such a dutiful archivist of Stubb's music for so many years.
Thanks to Peter Stubb for making all of this music and for giving me permission to put this tape online.

Download "Blueberry Masturbator"

...and here is a link to the short film "I'm Like This Everyday", made by Mitchell Powers in 2008.

yeah that song is awesome. i didn't mean to imply that song sucks. just saying something is "lit" .. i wonder what happened to LIT.

these are all new to me. the kids these days and there wacky jargon.

what is this "cuck" and "woke"? can someone use them in a sentence?

but yeah, "lit" sucks. makes me think of this..
General / Re: Funniest Movies
April 05, 2017, 10:19:27 AM
Step Brothers, Wet Hot American Summer, Blazing Saddles, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall (the extended Vampire musical is the best)
i was on rikers island for a little bit. got sentenced to thirty days for petty larceny. i've been homeless for the last month or so.. well technically homeless for almost 2 years now because i was in shelters but my addiction (crack this time around. i'm a real winner right?) has brought me to such horrific lows that 24 hours Dunkin Donuts and train cars have been humble abode. It was right around a big snow storm and i stole some clothes to get extra layers and stay warm and it didn't go to plan.. anyhow,  it was lonely and sad and miserable. no visits, no money on books to buy some commissary. friends and family are beyond tired of my shit. hopefully it'll be my last time (even though I've said that countless times).. but i got out at around 3 a.m. this morning and haven't gotten high since then, went dutifully to my program and caught up with some old friends (real friends.. not methadone cronies or old dope fiends).. so yeah, that's where I've been (if anyone even realized).

hopefully everyone has been doing better than ol' me.
yes for U2. whenever I hear them/about them, i think about that south park episode where Bono wasn't a person but was actually the largest piece of shit ever shat by a human being.

i dunno if this a joke or not. i also dunno if i'm late in regards to finding this but a buddy played this dude reh dogg for me the other day and it's unspeakably absurd

somehow i overlooked such a presumable gem. is it worth listening to laugh at and shit? is it, tongue or cheek or whatever?

brings to mind the classic Dee Dee King album
the skullfuck.-

Purpose: This is an exercise to aid in the recollection of dreams
     through the use of visualization and tactile imagery.  It is best
     performed at the times that one begins to fall asleep.

1.  Relax; take a few deep breaths, and concentrate on the present
    sensation of the extremities.

2.  Allow yourself to feel the gradual decrease in sensitivity of the
    limbs as you drop off to sleep.

3.  Switch your attention rapidly from limb to limb, but block out
    extraneous thoughts as completely as possible.

4.  When nearly all sensation is lost in the extremities, switch your
    attention to the spine; localize your attention to the sensation
    at each vertebra.  Send a current of energy up from the base very
    slowly to the top.

5.  When the current reaches the top, visualize the entire spine as a
    penis, and the point where it enters the skull as the
    sexually-oriented orifice of your choice.

6.  Concentrate now on the sensation of the spine-penis entering the
    foramen magnum-orifice.  When bringing the sensation to the
    concious level, recall that it is your penis and/or your orifice;
    a great deal of sensation is being generated.

7.  Hold the images and sensations in mind until you do, in fact, fall
    asleep. Attempt immediately to hold up your dream-hands in front
    of your eyes.

By practicing this daily, near total dream recall is achieved in a
relatively short time.

The Rite of Televangelical Gnosis

[From the Corpus Fecundi of the AutonomatriX] This is a rite for attaining vacuity and sigil transmission utilizing a pre-existing vector: The Television Evangilist.
Statement of Intent:
It is our/my will to utilize the "magical","techno-shamanic" and "hypnotic" powers of the TV Evangelist to attain gnosis and transmit our sigilized desire/s.

Turn on PTL or other appropriate televangelical networks. A televangelical video tape is a handy item for readily sharing this ritual with others.

Observe the "live" audience and their many different methods of attaining Gnosis:

Ecstatic dance, frenetic movement, seething, writhing etc.
Singing, praying, speaking in tongues/glossolalia, interpretation, prophecy, sexual arousal from close proximity to others in a revivalist frenzy.
Total faith in the ability of the televangelist to deliver a personal petition to the Almighty Hirself: (miraculous healings, divination, discernment of spirits etc.)
Fear and Guilt Gnosis: Fear of Hell, Fear of being "left out" of Heaven, Snake Handling, Babtism in icy waters, etc.
Stigmata, mass quasi-consensual hallucinations, etc.
These are but a few of the methods of attaining Televangelical Gnosis; free "gifts" from the "Holy Ghost".
In this rite, we attempt to utilize these fundamentalist dynamics to temporarily suspend our disbelief, and direct our will without lust for results, into the virtual certainty of the Televangelists ability to transmit the sigil directly into the vortex of the "Holy Spirit".

Rite of Televangelical Gnosis:

Create sigilized monogram of desire.
Turn on PTL (Opening)
Declaration of S.O.I.
Place sigil on opaque paper over TV screen, allowing for at least partial viewing of the program.
Attain gnosis (using any combination of the methods mentioned above) but consider the possibility of gnosis attained through total self disgust and humiliation for allowing yourself to be watching the Xtian spectacle of disgust.
Become disgusted with the complete tackiness and total lack of dignity and self respect that Xtians invariably suffer from. (highly recommended)
Become sexually aroused at the thought of this absurdity. (at this time "Phone Sex" with the online televangelical operators is recommended as an additional link, but is not entirely necessary). Otherwise this may be an appropriate opportunity for an auto-erotic pathworking involving such fantasies as:
Imagine having sex with the lady with the big purple hair and ultra-long fake eyelashes.
Imagine having sex with Jimmy Baker/Swaggart-types with sweaty palms and booze on their breath.
Any kinky combination of the above. (use your imagination)
As the preacher requests/demands the "Love Seed", or "Gift of Love", "Love Sacrifice" ($$$), etc., Attain Vacuity (by whatever means available) and annoint the sigil and the TV screen with your sexual/bodily fluids. Just wait for the inevitable: "Right Now", "Right Now"! (The Televangelist will chant this with a Deep Southern Accent). The act of annointing the sigil and television may be the result of a direct climax, focused on the screen. Visualize/focus on your uttermost contempt for Xtianity as you immerse the screen in bodily fluids. Keep in mind the "Preatures" advice involving large "Love Seeds" for large desires. (aside from the direct linkage to the ritual itself, this "offering" serves to cirCUMvent the "spirit" of the Xtian paradigm).
Banish using TV remote controller as "wand" - and change stations while giggling hysterically.
Note: The preacher needs your "Love Seed/Gift" in order to transmit your sigil to "Heaven"(where the Almighty resides, waiting for "Judgement Day"). Rather than giving the "Seed" or "Egg" in love for Xtianity, you may feel inclined to offer it in utter contempt for the Xtian paradigm, as an excercise in good taste. This desecration of the Xtian paradigm (depending on the rigidity of your pre-existing belief structures) may serve to greatly enhance the power of the enchantment itself.
"All prayer dissapates without an intermediary or carrier. Gods, soul and the psycho-substantive seem to respond only through the mind by in-direction and hetero-suggestion: this is the secret way through many barriers."
-- A.O.S from "The Logomachy of Zos".
recommended reading..
Chaos Magick : Nothing is true; everything is permitted.

"Darken your room, shut the door, empty your mind. Yet you are still in
great company - the Numen and your Genius with all their media, and your
host of elementals and ghosts of your dead loves — are there! They need no light by which to see, no words to speak, no motive to enact except through your own purely formed desire."
― Austin Osman Spare, The Logomachy of Zos

Chaos Magick started in the late 70's as an underground movement , the idea was that symbolism, costumes, rituals in traditional magic systems such as Qaballa were used to an end , but aren't the end itself.

"Chaos Magick is an extraordinary deconstruction of magick, semantics, and psychology designed to eradicate consensual belief structures and, using the energy freed by this act, glimpse the fractal contours of reality."

The magician must choose what please him best to cause the change that he wants to achieve , therefore Chaos Magick is much more a Do it Yourself idea than anything else. Nevertheless , there is a few core principles , no dogma , because most dogma act like block to many possibilities . Second principle , experiment , experiment, experiment, try and do what's work for you. Seriousness and being rigourous is important , neglecting is not allowed this is another principle. Deconditioning for flexibility is also a key principle and at last but not least , the magician must achieve gnosis the magical trance state .(altered state of consciousness)

Over the time , Chaotes have adopted a set of techniques that they often use because they have proven to be effective.


Originally developed by the English magician and author Austin Osman Spare . A sigil is a symbolized form of a desire or will. Once the magician has created its sigil, it send it to it subsconsious directly without the conscious being aware (this phase is called charging) , in order to not interfere with the subconscious the sigil has to be forgotten , the magician attempt to do that during the banishing phase . After this , the subconscious can convert the sigil into action and reality .


First, write down your desire very clearly, like this:


Scan the letters and cross out any repeating ones, as follows:

IT xS MY Wxxx xO BE xFxxRxD xxx xxUxx

Which leaves us with the following letters remaining:


There. Now you've done the first stage – creating your statement of intent, and simplifying it.

Magical notes: What lies behind creating a statement of intent?

What you've just done is taken a conscious desire and broken it down into something your conscious brain doesn't recognise any more: a meaningless string of letters. The more energy you put into turning your sentence into something unrecognisable, the more you leave your annoying conscious mind behind and hammer the message into your powerful subconscious.

The creation of the Statement of Intent is really important. Austin Osman Spare preceeded all of his magical statements with the prefix "THIS MY WISH..." followed by the description of what he desired. Maybe you don't have to, but it does make the exercise feel more formal and special. You could also use THIS MY INTENT, or THIS MY WILL – whatever works for you.

Also, the statement of intent must be expessed only in positive, not negative terms. The subconscious has the annoying habit of perceiving everything positively. For example, if you want to pass an exam, do not express it as "I will not fail my exam" — the deep mind ignores the "not" and hears this as "I will fail my exam"! Instead, express it as something like "I will pass my exam with flying colours".

Also, sigil magic is simple and powerful. A good way to begin is to choose some simple, unimportant result — one to which you aren't personally attached, so your conscious mind doesn't care what the results are. Like:


Such a wish is entirely unimportant, but not something that one runs into every day, so it's a good test. See how long it takes for the wish to manifest. The practical side of such exercises is that success increases one's confidence that MAGIC WORKS, which in turn makes success more likely for more important objectives.

There is no way to prove if sigil magic works (or not) except by trying it yourself. Never believe the hype. Create your own. Moving on...


So far, you've got your simplified Statement of Intent: ITSMYWOBEFRDU

You're now ready to go on to the next stage and turn this string of letters into a picture – your magical sigil.

On your piece of paper, make a basic, rough sketch linking the various letter shapes together, combining some of them as you go along (for example, an "M" is a "W" upside down, "I" is contained in "T", "F" is part of "E", "D" sits snugly in "O", etc.):

Next the image is simplified and refined.

chaos magic sigil

The magical sigil above contains all the letters in "it is my will to be offered red fruit".

It's been given extra embellishments to look spooky and distract the mind.

It's also been designed to look a little bit like a strawberry. Because why not.

Most homemade sigils look a little spooky or alien – like UFO writing or witchy wall-scratchings. There are no rules as to how your sigil should look as long as it works for you.
sounds brutal