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Messages - skateandannoy

General / Re: General Movie Thread
September 16, 2020, 09:53:25 AM
When lock down started I started MST3K from the beginning to watch while working and at this point I feel like an expert on schlock. A couple of the movies were genuinely good and I enjoyed them more than the riffing. I've also been watching a lot of the 50's and 60's stuff on the Film Detective app, much of which (but not all!) is also hokey but fun. Watched all of Twin Peaks + Fire Walk because I'd never seen it before, and I feel like I should have had my punk card revoked for not seeing it sooner. I don't really watch a lot of TV other than cartoons though.

How did we all feel about Uncut Gems? I liked it; it wasn't quite what I was expecting, but it was definitely a great performance from Sandler.
General / Re: New Bananas LP
September 16, 2020, 09:38:28 AM
I'm like 65% sure that's a joke; but... is there a Discord?
General / Re: RIP Ryan (accidentprone)
September 04, 2020, 11:35:45 AM
I can't believe I'm just seeing this. Ryan always made me laugh and I admire how hard he tried and how knowledgeable he was.
General / New Bananas LP
September 04, 2020, 11:33:16 AM
The best band of all time has a new record out; available on Bandcamp:

Also, I really, really missed the Board.
General / Re: Sweet Potatoes
July 30, 2019, 04:01:00 PM
I'm intrigued by these revelations.
General / Sweet Potatoes
July 01, 2019, 09:56:22 AM
This is a sweet potato appreciation thread, because I recently learned Jer doesn't like them. Do you like sweet potatoes? Are the the most punk root vegetable?
General / Re: What's everyone listening to?
January 30, 2018, 07:59:41 PM
Hi Board, I miss you. I've been in a weird mood for the last like... year and a half and I haven't really listened to any music at all in that time and it's also kept me from posting here for whatever reason. I've felt like I have nothing to say or contribute. I'm trying to make a concerted effort to remain being one of the six people still here because I love this place and all of you.

Like I said, I really haven't listened to music in almost two years but I heard the new Morrissey single in a bar earlier today and it was kind of good and kind of bad. So I'm posting it.

I like the instrumentation and melody but the lyrics are pretty trite. Like an afterthought.
General / Re: Ramshackle Glory Live the dream
January 30, 2018, 07:48:13 PM
Good luck finding a copy Magicman!
General / Re: Ramshackle Glory Live the dream
January 30, 2018, 07:47:42 PM
I feel like not that long ago the band found a box of copies that the sleeves were dinged up on and selling cheap. Maybe check their webstore? If I were them, I would just let Fistolo keep the record in print, everyone wants it. Why not let people buy them for $12 instead of fighting over $90 used copies? It's way more punk rock to let a cool DIY label keep your catalog in print than make crustfund punks flip your record on ebay just because the artist don't care about the music anymore.
General / Re: Truth Emerges from the Well
December 06, 2017, 05:32:48 PM
So good. wow
General / Re: What's everyone listening to?
September 26, 2017, 02:24:09 PM
Quote from: BlakeK on September 21, 2017, 05:34:47 AM
That's perfect! I have seen Lethal Weapon 1 and 2 probably over 200 times each. My mom loved Mel Gibson when I was a kid (before everyone found out he's a piece of shit) and so I saw a lot of his movies. My favorite was Lethal Weapon 2.
Haha nice! I forgot how to post photos for a second so I'm glad I stuck to fixing it rather than deleting it entirely like I almost did
General / Re: Share your happy pix memories from before
September 20, 2017, 10:49:19 AM
Quote from: momitsnowme on September 19, 2017, 02:47:18 PM
There's a place called Tony's Darts Away here with punk music and veggie sausages
And it's decided.
General / Re: Share your happy pix memories from before
September 19, 2017, 11:21:41 AM
Hijinx Fest should just be like everyone (all 7 of us) meeting at a random bar where they have Screeching Weasel, Tom Waits, and NMH records in the jukebox. Anyone know of a place like that?
General / Re: What's everyone listening to?
September 19, 2017, 11:16:37 AM
Quote from: BlakeK on September 17, 2017, 07:27:05 AM
Quote from: jer on September 16, 2017, 08:16:54 AM
7 Seconds are straight edge too. You took my horrible joke.
Damn, I fucked up that in nearly every way possible. I should have known 7 Seconds are straight edge. Just another reason to have my punk card revoked.
Sounds like my boss' iPhone homescreen.
General / Re: What's everyone listening to?
September 14, 2017, 06:18:26 PM
Quote from: jer on September 09, 2017, 08:57:51 PM
7 Seconds would be so good if they just relaxed and had like one beer.
Quote from: BlakeK on September 10, 2017, 05:21:42 PM
Quote from: jer on September 09, 2017, 08:57:51 PM
7 Seconds would be so good if they just relaxed and had like one beer.
I used to say the same thing about Minor Threat.

Ya'll are crazy they're perfect
Quote from: jer on September 08, 2017, 08:33:38 AM
Alienware, because you're rich.
All that folk punk money is rolling in baby.
Don't say Linux Jer, I'm not smart enough to know how that works.

Every windows laptop I see these days looks super cheap and awful. Anyone know who makes something good in this day and age? Anyone happy with their laptop? I've had Dell and Sony ones and they were garbage. The Lenovo and Asus ones my friends had at school seemed really cheap. I have a macbook for my art stuff but I need to keep all my years of Windows info somewhere. Reviews online don't seem very helpful. What should I do?!
General / Re: What should we do around here
September 02, 2017, 06:09:22 PM
So who is getting a hijinx dick tattoo?

can we go to war with the B9 board again?
General / Re: General Movie Thread
August 30, 2017, 07:13:21 PM
Quote from: lindsey on June 13, 2017, 12:01:44 AM
wonder woman was delightful
It was!

Just bought Lars Von Trier's Dogville for $2. Haven't seen it in a few years and it's not great but eh, it was $2.
General / Re: i wish i got to see the misfits reunion
August 30, 2017, 07:11:15 PM
LA folks, anyone going to the Misfits "one off" reunion show in December?
Never made it to PIX Fest, but I've always loved this place. I wish I could meet some of you dammit!
General / Re: WTF
August 30, 2017, 07:01:08 PM
Saw Kimya Dawson's response where she also basically said she was unsurprised and mentioned not being happy with Chris' business practices and hasn't been affiliated with the label for years.