Jer, We need the "secret" board back.......
b/c i need the new Gaslight Anthem CD.... You and I can handle this in a private matter, like messaging and a link :)
see below....
Sent to your house........ first person to message.
way out of print...unplayed. only 2000 pressed.
or UPHOLLOW CD/DVD, AUTUMN PICTURE CD, we can make this work
from the songs i've heard the new gaslight won't even be worth downloading
and i'm sure there are many other places you could find it than here
I dont understand the torrent world. I have exhausted my efforts elsewhere.
I fear you may be correct about the cd. But i still have high hopes.
ghost mice/ saw wheel split is one my favorites to this day
HBSR's version of the split is way better than the version that had the re-recorded version of the ghost mice songs, by the way. No offense to anyone, but it was just way better.
I agree with Jer. It sounded much cleaner. However, i think the bands like the No Idea one better. That being said, i still don't have the new gaslight anthem .... and some of you need to hear this Ghost Mice / Saw Wheel split from 10 years ago. Recorded at Goldentone (Rumbleseat, Against Me etc)
Wait, I thought he said the original recording was way better, which I would agree with.
Also, torrents are like, so easy. Easier than direct downloads.
Yeah, i did say that. HBSR is agreeing.
HSBR is the original, No Idea is the newer.